The reason I smile.


This post is in response to the weekly photo challenge theme – smile.

I love flowers. I try to be creative in my responses. I like to click and share many different flower photos with you all. I even post responses to different challenges using flower photos.

Today, I was very confused. I did not know which flower photos would suit the theme. Every flower in my garden is special to me. They are the reason I smile.

That is why I wanted to share something special. I wanted to share a photo that would make you smile too.

Here, is my flower of the day.

It is a Night Blooming Jasmine.

As the name states it blooms in the evening. The flowers bloom in a bunch. These flowers are tiny and have sweet fragrance.

Your mood will instantly change if you look at the bright white flowers. Here are some of them nicely posing for camera.

Let me present a bunch of smiling Night Blooming Jasmines.

night blooming jasmine flowers

Have a nice weekend everyone.

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